Quick, easy testing
Most of our testing is quick and painless. HIV testing is a 20-minute rapid test that we do in-house.
Our healthcare provider will discuss all the methods of testing and recommended treatments with you during your visit.

No judgment zone
Our focus is on care and treatment, never judgement. We’re a welcoming, inclusive, sex-positive clinic that welcomes all patients, even if you have a primary care provider. Our goal is for you to feel comfortable and reassured.

We offer a sliding fee scale to ensure our services are as affordable as possible. We accept most private insurance plans, as well as Medicaid and Medicare. Our goal is to remove any financial barriers to receiving recommended care.
“Galion Health is like family. You can have any question whatsoever and they will help you with it. If you can’t afford it, they will find some way to make a payment plan for you. They are literally like a friend, but a doctor at the same time.”
Janet Combs, PrEP patient
Protecting your sexual & reproductive health, so you can live happier & healthier.
STD/STI Testing & Treatment
Painless Testing, Fast Results, On-Site Treatment Available.
HIV Testing
Are you at risk for HIV? Know your results in 20 minutes or less.
Once daily HIV prevention. 99% effective if taken correctly. We are your HIV Prevention Connection.
HPV Vaccinations
Gardasil 9 is available here. Protect yourself against the virus that causes cervical cancer and genital warts.
Expedited Partner Therapy
Partner delivered treatment is available for certain STIs.
Condoms, lubricant & other barrier methods (dental dams, Internal condoms) are always FREE! We are here to keep you safe-No questions asked!
Frequently asked questions
Helpful reading & resources
Your path starts here
Contact us to schedule a visit or just ask a question! Use the form below or call (419) 468-1075. We'll give you the answers, testing or treatment you deserve, so you can live with peace of mind.
SAVE TIME! Download, print and fill out these forms before you come in.
Consent to Treat & Financial Agreement
(This must be completed once every 365 days or whenever the information changes)
Please complete the form below and we'll be in touch!